We use both classical and modern methods of acupuncture.
What happens in an Acupuncture treatment?
We base AK muscle testing where the body itself draws attention to the imbalance which exists and where it is (whether it is physically or mentally), and from that, we can quickly and easily find the cause of the imbalance.
When the cause of the imbalance is found, we can often via needling, in just a few acupuncture points, restore balance in the body.
We make sure there is time enough for each treatment, and you are given the opportunity to feel why you need this specific treatment, we are testing us into.
If it turns out that you also need a talk for a better understanding of the root cause of your imbalance, there is also plenty of time for that.
Allergy and weakened immune systems
Acupuncture is extremely effective in treating all kinds of allergies, and often you only need a few treatments. Already after the first treatment you can begin to free yourself from dependence on nasal sprays, eye drops and other allergy medications.
Furthermore, Acupuncture is fast acting in acute inflammatory conditions, especially when combined with a Homeopati.
Additionally forces Acupuncture also your immune system and prevents you get repeated inflammation due to a weakened immune system.
Blood pressure
Acupuncture is effective in treating both high and low blood pressure, as well as direct and indirect secondary circulatory disorders, such as edema (fluid retention), heart arrhythmia, pulsating headaches, dizziness and such.
The advantage of acupuncture is that it is 100% drug-free and that it does not interfere with any medical drugs.
Digestive problems
Acupuncture is effective for the treatment of all types of stomach and intestinal disorders, such as constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis etc.
Quit Smoking
Acupuncture is also extremely effective when you want help to stop smoking, while the treatment is 100% drug-free.
Smoking cessation treatment is often concluded in just 5 treatments and you can increase sharply down after the first acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture is also effective in treating all kinds of damage, for example, fiber blasts, sprains, knee injuries, groin injuries, golf and tennis elbow, "Bruised thigh", bent / broken ribs, carpal tunnel inflammation mm
For sports injuries are injury period often always half - or even less - so you can quickly get started rehabilitation again.
This also applies to serious injuries torn tendons, torn joint and ligament, broken bones and the like.
Acupuncture is effective in removing all types of pain, such as head, back, shoulder and neck pain, iskiasproblems, herniated disc, whiplash, "frozen" shoulder, headaches and migraines, arthritis pain, trigeminal neuralgia (nerve pain in the jaw and forehead) mm
You often feel that the pain is alleviated or even disappear already during the first Acupuncture treatment.
Eye conditions
Acupuncture is also effective for the treatment of ocular disorders such as AMD (calcification of the eye and read blindness), glaucoma (elevated pressure in the eyes), cataracts (blurred vision), tunnel vision, hyperopia, visual impairment following brain damage and the like.
Variations of Acupuncture methods
TCM Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture is based on 4,000 years of observation and experience in how the body works and what together-hanging is the system and the energy system in the body.
We use TCM Acupuncture to balance the energy flow within and between the meridians (energy pathways), so the balance in the body and all the organs as soon as possible will be restored. The blockages are dissolved and a cleansing of the body is initiated.
Via the kinesiology muscle testing where the body even tell where imbalances exist and where they are (whether it is physical or mental), we can quickly and easily find the energetic imbalances (between the Chinese call "the five elements" - fire, earth , metal, water and wood) and through treatment in one or two acupuncture points restore balance in the body.
We use a number of very specific Chinese items with great effect in the treatment of conditions such as asthma, "frozen" shoulder, high / low blood pressure, edema, urinary incontinence, pregnancy nausea, diarrhea, constipation, insomnia, etc.
TCM Acupuncture is also particularly effective in strengthening the immune system, eliminate allergies and purge inflammation, to eliminate stress, restore and optimize the body's general energy (remove tiredness / fatigue) and more.
AcuNova and AcuLine Acupuncture
AcuNova- and AcuLine Acupuncture has two modern treatment methods that we use with great success. We use the methods individually or in combination.
AcuNova Acupuncture is characterized by being extremely efficient, to "kick start" the body's automatic self-healing processes, the places in the body where energy flow for various reasons has stagnated (blocked) or where there is surplus or energy (too much or too little energy). We treat certain points around the body part that affects the brain via the central nervous system to activate the selfhealing processes (which we all have) in the specific organ and body areas, which points in the joints refers.
Within AcuLine Acupuncture we test first via AK muscle testing where the strongest energy points for the harm or imbalance to be addressed before we with a special needle technique treats in and around the elbow, hand, knee and ankle.
The areas located by following specific energy lines from the imbalance center to the joints.
Combination of AcuNova- and AcuLine Acupuncture
When we combine AcuNova- and AcuLine Acupuncture, achieved the fast and incredible results, especially by many eye and vision disorders, in all forms of pain, including back, shoulder and neck disorders such iskias- pain, herniated disc and whiplash, and by treatment of sports injuries such. fiber blasts, sprains, knee injuries, groin injuries, golf and tennis elbow, "Bruised thigh", broken- or bent ribs, tendon sheath pleurisy mm
As we see in some cases, the pain disappears almost at the same moment an acupuncture needle is inserted. Therefore, we encourage you always to come, while the damage is "fresh" as soon as possible to get well again!
For sports injuries, we have learned that the injury period will always be halved - or even shorter! This also applies to more serious damage as torn tendons, torn joint and ligament, broken bones and the like.
AcuChronic Acupuncture
AcuChronic Acupuncture used in combination with AcuLine Acupuncture for the treatment of "chronic" disorders.
AcuChronic-points are situated in a ring around the head and stomach. Here stimulated the brain to the body's top and bottom halves again begin to work better together. This results in particular in fixed ("chronic") patterns are dissolved.
The method is inter alia effective for the treatment of osteoarthritis in the neck, asthma / bronchitis, heart problems, trigeminal neuralgia (nerve pain in the forehead and jaws), tinnitus, loss of smell and taste, and the like.
We use the method to strengthen and activate the body's cleansing processes.
AcuSpine Acupuncture
AcuSpine is a very effective and energy-releasing method in which we treat specific points along the spine.
The method is especially very effective in treating disorders / pain that emanates from the back, and for all back and neck problems, including herniated mm
ECIWO Acupuncture
With ECIWO Acupuncture, we utilize a special knowledge of the entire body are "represented" along the individual bones of the body. Thus we can in a very powerful way of treating disorders in specific body areas and organs.
The method include very effective as supportive treatment of more chronic disorders, where we also use Homeopati and Healing.
ECIWO Acupuncture can quickly restore balance and equilibrium in the body, and therefore we have success with the method associated with pain and injuries.
AcuDNA Acupuncture
With AcuDNA Acupuncture addressed specific areas of the forehead, which stimulates the frontal lobes (attention, planning, motivation, motor skills, learning, etc.) in the brain. All athletes can thereby obtain advantages of this treatment method.
The method is also effective for the treatment of, inter alia, headaches / migraines, ulcers, prolonged bowel inflammation (colitis), high blood pressure, heart problems, asthma, allergies, menstrual problems, eating disorders, etc.
AcuStomach Acupuncture
With AcuStomach Acupuncture treated "brain in the belly" - a network of nerve cells in the gastrointestinal tract.
"The brain in the stomach" play (in cooperation with the brain in the head), an important part of our general condition, and have a great impact on many different "diseases" around the body.
The treatment method is particularly effective in all types of stomach and intestinal disorders, and imbalances in the liver, pancreas, spleen, bladder and kidney.
Ear acupuncture
Ear acupuncture is a complete system that treats all types of imbalances in the body. We have also good experience with treating allergies, visual disturbances, high / low blood pressure, hemorrhoids, lowering cholesterol, pain throughout the body and the like. The method is particularly suitable for treating addiction to food, sugar, alcohol, nicotine, drugs (narcotics) mm
Addiction is a habit. For many it is so strong, that it is an impossible task to stop again. Ear acupuncture is an effective treatment that helps you with your addiction, once you have decided that you don´t want it anymore.
For all types of rehab, part puncture from Nada method of treatment. We also use ear acupuncture to support other therapies.
Effective treatment of vision
When we combine all of the above methods of acupuncture, we have good experience in dealing with various forms of visual disturbances. We have also good experiences with the treatment of AMD (calcification of the eye and read blindness), glaucoma (increased pressure in the eye), cataract ("blurred vision"), tunnel vision, farsightedness, vision disturbances after brain damage, etc.
Acupressure is a special massage on acupuncture points that activates points without needles. Therefore, we recommend acupressure to you who do not "like needles".