Aura analysis
What is an Aura?
All living creatures have an aura.
Aura consists of electromagnetic energy fields that surround your body and reflects your personal energy and charisma right now.
Clairvoyants have the ability to see your body's electromagnetic energy field in multiple layers and in different colors.
Apart from that, the clairvoyant describe what is happening at this time in your life, physically, emotionally and mentally.
The aura shows, among other things your attitude to life (positive or negative), both at the conscious and the unconscious level.
Would you like to see your own Aura?
Via the latest computer technology it is now possible for you to see your own aura as a movie.
You just put one hand on a sensor that measures your Aura's energy field, and immediately see a "live" movie of your aura on a computer screen.
The aura is constantly in motion, and reflects the physical, emotional and mental fluctuations that the body experiences in every second. This is evident in Aura movie.
If you want want to get the recording with you back home, then just bring a USB connector we can put your Aura film onto.
How can you use an Aura-analysis?
The aura shows the energy (= personal charisma), you radiate and other people around you marks.
You know the feeling when you meet another person, you instantly feel comfortable with because you feel that he exudes warmth and approachability. Conversely, you also know the feeling when you meet another person, you feel uncomfortable with, even if you have not even talked to him yet.
That, you feel the other person's energy field (= the person's Aura).
The aura also shows your weaknesses / imbalances and potentials.
Therefore, you can use an Aura analysis to make you aware of your weaknesses / imbalances, so you can choose to do something about these. It may be, for example, that you begin to understand how your personal charisma affects others, and whether it is different from how you see yourself.
At the same time, an Aura analysis show your potentials, so you can choose which strengths you want to develop further.
It may be a good idea to record the analysis of your Aura mobile phone, so you at home can listen to the analysis when you want.
Included there is also an analysis of your chakras in your Aura analysis.
See also your chakras on film
The computer system also shows the 7 chakras (= energy centers), which is located on a line from the top of the head down to the bottom of the spine.
Each chakra relates to specific body parts and the consciousness that is represented in each chakra. Among other things, tension in the physical body relate to blockages in your consciousness.
The film also shows if there are surplus or energy in each chakra, and from the analysis we will guide you on how to best take care of yourself, and achieve balance in your body and in your mind.