Bio-Feedback - Scio
Intelligent or invisible energy has for millennia been used in acupuncture and other traditional healing arts. Modern Western medicine is the only major health system in the world that does not recognize any form of biological energy.
Research in the field of quantum physics the past 100 years, however, have given a greater scientific understanding of electromagnetism and electromagnetic frequency, which are basic elements in energetic medicine and treatment.
Bio-Feedback treatment with S.C.I.O.
Bio-Feedback is the English word for frequency processing, as briefly described are energy-treatment with different wavelength and varying speed.
Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System, in the daily called for SCIO'en, is a universal electro-physical frequency treatment system that both testing and treatment via a computer connected to some measuring tapes.
First tests and analyzes SCIO'en body's energy (= current health level). Then perform SCIO'en a frequency processing (transmitter small electromagnetic frequencies back to your body) from the measured analysis.
SCIO'en makes more than 10,000 measurements at relatively a few minutes, and the rest of the consultation time used to process the measured imbalances.
Treatment with SCIO'en takes a long time on the treatment day, but in exchange for that you do not need taking any medication until the next treatment, since the frequencies of energy therapy has initiated a self-healing process in the body.
How does the SCIO work?
Any cell, organ meridian sense, tanks, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and so on, all have a characteristic electromagnetic signature.
The body's energy system is by nature an alarm system, in which all aspects of our lives (physical health, emotions, thoughts, time of birth and more) follows the laws of quantum physics.
This is what we can now take advantage of, through the unique computer system that combines thousands of years of ancient Chinese wisdom ("Everything is Energy") with modern technology.
The number of treatments depends on two factors:
Your own life energy that determines your potential for self-healing.
The severity of your symptoms or the depth of the "disease process".
From the results of the first treatment, appears SCIO'en even with a guide for when a follow-up treatment is beneficial.
First session always lasts 2 hours and 30 minutes.
The SCIO is:
- Treating viral, bacterial and fungal infections.
- Purge medical and pollutants, including asbestos and radioactivity.
- Start reconstructive self-healing processes by worn cartilage in the spine.
- Minimize the effects of pulmonary disorder COPD (stone lungs / COPD).
- Treat hormonal imbalances in women (hot flashes, sore glands, heavy
and irregular periods, headaches / migraines M. M).
- Improve your memory.
- Promoting the learning ability in mathematics and language.
- Neutralize radiation from eg X-ray and electrical appliances.
- Test and treat vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
- Process for Borrelia virus (Tick).
- Test and treat the effects of tropical diseases (eg malaria).
- Treat kidney and adrenal fatigue.
- And much more ...
When to choose Bio-Feedback treatment with SCIO
Bio-Feedback treatment with the SCIO is beneficial to you, who know that you still forget to take your medicine from your doctor or your herbal medicine, but you still need treatment to get better.
With the SCIO you simply set aside two hours now and then for treatment and then you can live an untroubled life daily.