How does Kinesiology work?
Kinesiology is a physical muscle test, where your body even tell what imbalances it has right now, and what treatment you need to once again get in balance.
During the kinesiology muscle testing brands you clearly, the muscles that are in balance and that the treatment, we test our way forward to restore balance to the body again.
The entire body is tested through and we treat all layers of your imbalances gradually, as your body and your mind is ready for it.
The kinesiology muscle testing is often done in combination with Acupuncture, Bach Flower remedies, Healing, Homeopathy, TFT and the like, depending on your needs.
Bach Flower remedies
During the kinesiology muscle testing tells the body often that you need a Bach Flower Mediterranean to easily withstand the purge of for example a fungal infection of the intestinal tract, especially when there is "set" a feeling or a mental block on the imbalance.
Bach Flower Medicine consists of 38 different funds, derived from wild flowers.
Bach Flower remedies are great as supportive therapy to help open up and let go of, among other "unpleasant" feelings.
Allergy, intolerance, dermatitis and fungal infections
Via AK muscle testing tells the body itself, which homeopatisk agent is best to remove that specific allergy, intolerance, fungal infection or bacterial, which creates an imbalance in your body right now.
Homeopatien and Bach Flower remedies given in small cane bullets, consumed in a period. Then we recommend that you come to a follow-up checks to test whether there is another layer imbalance which will be beneficial for you to clean out.
Alongside the kinesiology muscle testing, we also deal with Acupuncture, as muscle testing has shown to be beneficial.
Both Homeopathy, Bach Flower remedies and any Acupuncture treatment is given to help the body cleansing processes, and with what purpose as easily and as quickly as possible to restore balance in your body again.
Pain and injuries
When pain and injuries is an AK muscle testing a very effective tool to identify the cause of the imbalance and the treatment form that is the most effective to treat just that specific pain or injury that you have.
Via the kinesiology muscle testing, we are testing us to the Acupuncture points, providing the fastest and best treatment for your particular imbalance here and now. Among others we have good experience in dealing with all kinds of sports injuries, whiplash after road accidents, all kinds of back and joint problems, all kinds of pain, arthritis (rheumatoid and osteoarthritis) mm
You sense immediately that the treatment works. You can immediately start to make movements again, you could not before Acupuncture treatment, while beginning the pain recedes. The injury is healed faster than it would without Acupuncture treatment, and you can quickly get started with training your sport again or come back on the job.
In sports and work injuries are injury period is always half - or even shorter! This applies, for example by injuries such as severe sprains, muscle and tendon injuries, torn tendons and ligament and broken bones.
Conversation - Take care of yourself
During the treatment we are often aware that you do not take care of yourself, and that you might overhear important signals from your body.
It is important that you understand her body's signals (= a cry for help), and we are happy to talk with you about how to become better at listening to the signals.