Remote Healing
Remote Healing is a practical form of treatment when you've incurred an acute injury, and did not even have the opportunity to come to us for processing.
The sooner treatment is started, the sooner you will get better.
Energy-healing treatment, and is not limited by time and space. Therefore, you can always effortlessly benefit from a Remote Healing. You can be at home, be hospitalized, or being on holiday abroad.
Call us at phone +45 52 61 60 00 and tell us about your situation, then we immediately our best to help you with a Distant Healing.
How does Remote Healing?
By Remote Healing will get the same treatment as if you were present in the treatment center, and the treatment is just as effective.
What you do not get at a Distant Healing, compared to a normal Healing is the conversation (which in itself is enlightening and healing), as well as the tranquility and ease-ness that is our harmonized facilities.
The purpose of Remote Healing
The purpose of a Distant Healing is that you as soon as possible receive help for your acute situation and immediately benefit from the healing of your injury is initiated. As soon as you feel better, you can begin to get treatment in the clinic.
Payment for Distance healing can be made through the "Donate" button at the bottom of this page.