Iris Analysis
Scanning the body's state of health
An Iris analysis can be used to diagnose a specific disease, the analysis shows a "scan" of the body's current general health state.
Iris analysis reveals both acute inflammation, damage and blockages in the spine, organ function, blood oxidizability, immune deficiencies, fungal infections, medication poisoning, amalgambelastninger, vaccine damage, "chronic" imbalances, the body's impact on the earth rays and much more.
Apart from iris analysis, we therefore recommend a blood test or other type of survey you need to get more clarification on your "disease" and which treatment is best for your particular situation.
With us it is important that you understand what is happening to your body, and we therefore use a simple language to explain how "everything" from iris analysis linked.
Dietshift from Iris Analysis and Blood
From an Iris Analysis and with the knowledge of your blood type, we can recommend changes to your diet that can help you achieve better health.
Furthermore, we inform you about the "hereditary diseases" you are predisposed to, and how you through the Blood Type diet may prevent the "hereditary diseases" at all erupts.
Want to know your blood type, we can do a test in the treatment center.